Migrate on-prem infrastructure to the cloud
All roads lead to AWS 🙂 OK before I tell you this story, why would you wanna do this in the first place? Well, there are several reasons why you […]
All roads lead to AWS 🙂 OK before I tell you this story, why would you wanna do this in the first place? Well, there are several reasons why you […]
Before I bore you to death trying to explain term “Hackathon” but in order to leave the possibility to those that are curios, I’ll put a link to good old […]
I’ve been a mobile developer for the past 4 years, and developer “in general” for the last 12 years now. During that time I did a lot of different projects, […]
OK, don’t ask me how come I write about GWT now, I owe you one text that will explain what happened in the last 3-4 months so everything will be […]
This year sure did start in a rush. ZeusSoftware was pretty loaded with work since New Year ( we still are ) and I must say that while it’s nice […]
Apple developers have a mantra: “Keep simple things simple, and complex things possible” so I was hoping that the thing from the title was possible, and guess what? IT IS […]
People usually say that past is the past, and that one should look only towards future, but I say that past gives us great things ( memories, experience, knowledge etc. […]
I think it was about time for me to reactivate my blog. I kinda missed it, but i simply didn’t have time to make anything new earlier, so I thought […]